dimarts, 14 d’octubre del 2014

Martina Wegman cascades (Falls) Murchison Africa

Cascades Murchison Africa 

 Les cascades Murchison , també conegudes com a cascades Kabalega o Kabarega , és un conjunt de tres grans cascades en els Nil Blanc (Nil Victòria) amb un desnivell de 43 m entre l'altiplà i la fossa, que acaben desguassant sobre el Llac Albert. Les cascades Murchison és el pas obligat de l'únic desguàs del llac Victòria, passant al seu través al voltant de 300 m³/s. Es troben dins del Parc Nacional Murchison.  L'explorador britànic Samuel White Baker va ser el primer europeu que el 1864 les va visitar i les va nomenar en honor del president de la Royal Geographical Society Roderick Murchison.

Martina Wegman 

 Murchison Falls National Park is a national park in Uganda managed by Ugandan Wildlife Authority. The park lies in north western Uganda, spreading inland from the shore of Lake Albert around the Victoria Nile. It is named for the Murchison Falls waterfall, itself named for a president of the Royal Geographical Society. The park is known for its wildlife which has partly recovered from a massacre by poachers and troops under Idi Amin. Together with the adjacent 748 square kilometres (289 sq mi) Bugungu Wildlife Reserve and the 720 square kilometres (280 sq mi) Karuma Wildlife Reserve, the park forms the Murchison Falls Conservation Area.[1]  The park is sometimes referred to as Kabalega National Park. Kabalega was the Omukama of the Kingdom of Bunyoro, around the end of the 19th century. He resisted colonization by the British, was arrested and was exiled by the British to the island nation of the Seychelles. Kabalega died in Jinja, in 1923 en route to Bunyoro from exile.

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