dimarts, 15 de desembre del 2015

Waveski Surf

El Waveski Surf és un esport dinàmic que combina el poder de de la taula de surf  subjectat amb una  corretja en un  caiac amb la maniobrabilitat i el rendiment d'una taula de surf. Un Waveski s'assembla a una taula de surf amb superfície més gran, amb un seient, aletes, corretges per als peus, i el cinturó de seguretat, el que permet que puguis esquimotejar  si bolques. El pilot waveski o waveski surfista , utilitza una pala de doble fulla per al moviment mentre s'està assegut al waveski. Els orígens són foscos, però el waveskis han existit des de fa mésde quaranta anys.  Long Island, Nova York, els surfistes van crear les primeres waveskis a la dècada de 1970, encara que aquests eren pesats, voluminosos i no particularment maniobrable. L'esport va experimentar el seu major creixement als 80`s amb manufactures com Macski sent  força dominant en el mercat d'exportació a tot el món a països com Austràlia, EUA i Europa. Les taules originals tenien marcs de fusta coberts de fibra de vidre i després es va convertir en escuma injectada i fet a mà d'encàrrec aviat es van fer en taulers i vidre de resines epoxi i escuma de poliestirè. Avui en dia en màquines en màquines CNC de precisió i pesen al voltant de 6 kg quan estan acabats.  Moltes de les maniobres waveskiers han estat actuant des dels 80`s s'estan  convertint ara en el corrent principal que es mou en el surf, on es burlen dels dies passats com a surfistes, maniobres com ara antenes, flip antenes i altres moviments radicals que un pot fer en un onada. L'esport està experimentant un ressorgiment en països com Brasil i França empatant amb el riu i caiac de mar esport i la celebració de competicions conjuntes, ja que comparteixen una funcionalitat comuna. Calen més participants júniors i patrocinadors per ampliar la cobertura d'aquest esport.


 Waveski Surfing is a dynamic sport combining the paddle power of a sit on and strap in kayak with the manoeuvrability and performance of a surfboard. A Waveski resembles a larger surf-board, with a seat, fins, foot straps, and seat belt, enabling the rider to 'eskimo roll' if overturned. The waveski rider or waveski surfer then uses a double ended paddle for motion while seated on the waveski. The origins are obscure, but waveskis have been around for over forty years. Danny Broadhurst, a Long Island, New York, surfer created some early waveskis in the 1970s, although these were heavy, bulky and not particularly manoeuvrable. The sport experienced its major growth in the 80`s with manufactures like Macski being a dominant force in the market exporting worldwide to countries like Australia, USA and Europe. Original boards had wooden frames covered in glass fibre then became foam injected and soon custom hand made boards were being shaped and glassed out of Polystyrene foam and epoxy resins. Nowadays boards are shaped in precision CNC machines and weigh around 6 kg when completed.  Many of the manoeuvres waveskiers have been performing since the 80`s are only now becoming main stream moves in surfing, where they were mocked in days gone by surfers, manoeuvers such as aerials, flip aerials and various other radical moves one can do on a wave. The sport is experiencing a resurgence in countries like Brazil and France tying in with the river and sea kayak sports and holding joint competitions as they share a common functionality. More junior riders and sponsors are needed to see larger coverage of this sport.  Competitions are run similar to stand up surfing and are judged on the performance of the rider on the waves within a 20min heat. High performance skis weigh about 6 to 8 kg and are custom made, using epoxy resin and EPS foam, which makes the waveski light and strong. The sport provides fun and exercise for beginners through to advanced riders.  There are several kinds of waveskis, including the shorter and "fatter" Australian style ski, used for high performance "slash and burn" surfing, and American style waveskis perhaps epitomized by Steve Boehne's Infinity Surfshop skis. There are also skegless skis for performing tricks, and even tandem skis. The "Jbay" wave ski shape has become the predominant shape of a ski nowadays with riders positioned further back on the ski for better manoeuvrability.  A waveski is not to be confused with a surf ski. Waveskis are designed for surfing ocean waves and surf skis are designed for racing in open water, as seen in Magnum P.I., the Tom Selleck TV series.

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